Moxi Roller Skate  "Hello Kitty" social media feature. 
  Munchery  Regulars campaign. Styling only. Photographer: Jennifer Chong.
  As Of Now  textile feature. 
  Artbook/D.A.P.  book signing invitation
  color factory  social media feature.
  Schuyler Samperton Textiles
  Schuyler Samperton  Wall Coverings
  Maryam Raizi  pop-up shop event
  schuyler samperton  textiles guinevere wallpaper
  Pygmy Hippo Shoppe  Buried Diamond patch social media feature.
  Dixie & Twine  unicorn cupcake topper social media feature. 
  Coral & Tusk  embroidered star wand social media feature.  "rain or shine" umbrella social media feature. 
 NailSnaps product packaging
  'Lette Macarons  social media feature.
  Pygmy Hippo Shoppe  unicorn patch social media feature. 
 Republic of Pie for Pi Day.
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